
Background Colours Sage50 cloud Payroll

Change of colour Scheme after upgrading to latest version.

Unfortunately I find your new colour scheme  drab, depressing and more difficult to view/navigate.   Please change it back to the good old Sage Green colours. 

  • Totally agree.  Looking at this dark & dreary screen all day is very depressing and not good for ones mental health.  It is like going back in time to when PCs were new, surely with all the modern technology available to Sage, they can put this right immediately.   I'm sure the person who decided on this colour scheme cannot be not happy in their job!

  • FormerMember

    Have to agree with all the comments about the new colour scheme, its awful, what were you thinking Sage!!! Wish we never installed the update. Dull, monochrome colours, depressing to look at all day, very harsh to look at through glasses and to on work on in an office environment with bright lights especially when we work on it all day everyday.

  • FormerMember

    I agree that the new Payroll is very difficult to look at, when I first used it today, I thought there was something wrong with my eyesight, please give an option to add colour,  

  • FormerMember

    Couldn't agree more. It's just awful, I thought my computer was broken when it first displayed it, only to learn from the forums it was intentional. Please change it back to what it was. White text on a dark background is almost impossible to read!

  • FormerMember

    Totally agree with other comments, the new colour scheme is a total step backwards.  It is so difficult to differentiate between sections and menus now, please change it back or at least tone down the monochrome - it is not cool!