
Basic Customer/Sales Account Information changes

Data boxes required

Link to master company - often suppliers belong to the same group of companies but there is no way of linking them

Boxes required on details

Company Registration Number (Currently use Custom Field)

Customer/Supplier Type (ie Construction, Direct User, etc),(Currently use Custom Field)

Insurance expiry date box (Custom Field)

Account Number (I currently use Bank BACS Reference)

Accounts Telephone Number

Tick Box if using VAT reverse charge

Ability to remove CIS information, rather than having to create another separate account.

Ability to add and check Customer CIS information now that they are holding VAT.

Ability to check/verify VAT numbers

On supplier accounts, the discount amount logged in the default section actually comes through to the payment screen for deductions.

One tick box on the payment screen for all amounts to be included for VAT. Or even better, a default button in the pricing and discount section of the supplier which comes through when making a payment.

Projects being able to link the VAT reverse screen if it is part of the CIS, so any labour invoices linked to that project default to the VAT reverse charge code.

Being able to change the reference name in Projects

I have more but that will do for now ha ha ha