Agents Commission Report


Simple question (I think). How do I amend the Agents Commission 10% report to show only the invoice total and commission and NOT every invoice line.

Any help would be appreciated Thanks.

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    The rough process would be something like:

    1. Add a group on AUDIT_SPLIT.INV_REF.

    2. Set suppress printing to true for the details section and the AUDIT_SPLIT.INV_REF Header section.

    3. Add AUDIT_SPLIT.INV_REF to the AUDIT_SPLIT.INV_REF Footer section

    4. Add AUDIT_SPLIT.NET_AMOUNT to the AUDIT_SPLIT.INV_REF Footer section, set it's function to be Sum and it's reset section to be AUDIT_SPLIT.INV_REF Footer

    5. Add an expression AUDIT_SPLIT.NET_AMOUNT * 0.1 to the AUDIT_SPLIT.INV_REF Footer section, set it's function to be Sum and it's reset section to be AUDIT_SPLIT.INV_REF Footer

    Hope that helps