• Error Sage.Common.ProgrammingByContract.PreconditionException: 'Contract Failure: A referential integrity exception on update has occured. This method should be overriden by the subclass.' when trying to add new financial currency on another compa

    Hi all, Lets say I have 3 companies of the same base currency, Company A, B, and C. When I add new financial currency on Company A, I want to add to Company B and C as well. So I am using the code below, which I refer to this site https://my.sage…
  • Handling error code of Ex11073Exception kept going in infinite loop

    Hi all, I wanted to bypass this error message with the code below, by referring to https://my.sage.co.uk/Sage200SDKDocs/html/DOC0078_Overview.html#ERRORS . But I only went into infinite loop if I click Yes, and stop the loop is I click No, but my…