• Get all active Sales Taxes

    Hi, I am trying to get all active Tax Codes and iit's taxes using .NET SDK. From tTaxAuth table, I can get all Taxes ,from tTaxCode I am able to get all taxcodes and from tTxCdDtl table I am able to get Tax rate for each Taxcode's tax. I have removed…
  • SalesJournal SetShipDate The field you are trying to change or function you are calling is not accessible under current circumstance.

    Hello Friends, I am using SAGE 2019.1 SDK for importing invoice in my application. I am getting error at the time of SetShip date "The field you are trying to change or function you are calling is not accessible under current circumstance.". I am getting…
  • Add payments to invoices added through the SalesJournal?

    I am using the .NET SDK (C#) to export invoices and payments of those invoices from my own database into Sage50. I managed to create invoices (payment type = pay later) in the Sage50 db using the SalesJournal class. I now need to add payments for…
  • Where payment terms are stored for the customer in Sage 50 CA Edition?

    I'm working on extracting data from the database sage 50 CA, but in the documentation containing the data definition , I have not found the relationship of the payment terms with customers, or where it is stored ( table). Here is the information that…
  • Exist the price levels in Sage 50 CA?

    I'm working on the integration of Sage 50 CA with a third party application with .NET. And price levels are within the required information extracted from the database Sage 50 CA, but so far I have not found any information to verify the existence of…
  • Strong-name signed assemblies must specify a public key in their InternalsVisibleTo declarations.

    Hi All, I am getting the message Strong-name signed assemblies must specify a public key in their InternalsVisibleTo declarations. when I am calling OpenSalesJournal in the 2015.3 SDK. The call stack is: System.MethodAccessException: [F:\Development…
  • dbClient.GetConnectionInfo(szFileDir, szHost, szPort) parameters

    I'm writing an application in VB.NET to run custom queries against the Sage 50 database. I've gone through the SDK manuals, but have some additional questions while walking through the sample code. We run the connection manager on the server and install…