Welcome Back

Thanks for being a Sage 50 customer. Even experienced users need help sometimes. That’s why we’ve pulled together information around some of the most frequently asked questions right here in one location!  On the left side of the screen are various topics you can navigate through that will assist you with getting started in Sage 50.

Don’t forget to prioritize time to grow

Even seasoned users may be surprised to hear there are classes designed to improve their productivity. And with courses available on-demand, learning can easily fit into your schedule and budget. Plus, you can even give your resume a boost and get certified! Visit Sage U to learn more. Notice the complimentary Installation and Updates learning subscription when you visit Sage University. 

Sage 50cloud: Maximize your subscription

While you're busy running your business, we're continuously improving Sage 50cloud to help you be more productive and efficient. See everything that’s included with your Sage 50cloud subscription.