Removing Payroll

I am setting up a new company and we have no employees and, no vacation, income, deductions, etc.  How do I turn off the payroll or remove it entirely?

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    Turning it off is easiest and allows you to easily turn it back on again if you hire employees or start paying yourself through payroll in the future.

    Under Setup, User Preferences, View, you can uncheck the module and have it disappear from your Home Screen.

    Under the Chart of Accounts in the Company area, select each account related to payroll and check the option "Omit from Financial Statements if Balance is Zero". This will prevent it from being seen on the Balance Sheet and Income Statement.

    When you need to use payroll, then all you have to do is do the reverse of the first thing above, Setup, User Preferences, View and check it again to turn it on and continue with the setup of employees. Once you start posting entries, all the applicable accounts with dollars will start showing up automatically on your statements.