Supplier Price List - Import and Create New Items

Supplier Price List - our suppliers provide us with a price list in excel.  Will the import within Sage 50 Cloud Canada find the equivalent item number, update description and add price?  If the number is not found will it add it?   If not is there another way of adding item numbers in batch vs one by one.  Talking hundreds of items.

What are the steps to  import a price list, is there a template to follow or formula.

  • 0

    You can download the price list through File / Import/Export / Export Records / Export Price Lists / Inventory & Services. This will give you a download of all your current inventory which can be opened in Excel. The important part is to not change the first line in the file. You can massage the data in the second and subsequent lines being certain that the format remains the same for every line as this is required when importing back to Sage 50. Add, delete, change the information to suit your needs.

  • 0 in reply to Alwyn

    Thanks, so if there is a new item to be uploaded back into SA will it do that, how does it know what accounts to link it to or is that a field within the import / export.

  • 0 in reply to Bobcaygeon

    When you fill in all of the information required, yes, it will add in the new items. I believe the accounts for linking are included in the export/import but if not you may have to add it individually. When I am making changes to inventory I always export the file and make one or two of the required changes/additions or deletions and then import the file back to Sage 50 to see what the import was able to complete. This saves me making all of the changes and then finding something does not react the way I am expecting. 

    Good luck with this as it sounds like a large file you have to work with.

  • 0 in reply to Bobcaygeon


    I am going to have to disagree with Alwyn on this one part.  The import of the price list will not create new items if the items do not exist in the file.  I haven't imported price lists in quite a while nor tested items that don't exist but it is possible the program will stop the import when it sees a new item or it might ignore the new one(s) and continue.  You should test this concept on a copy of your file before you try it on a live version.

    There is a separate import file format for new items (see Help under Import Records).

  • 0 in reply to Richard S. Ridings

    Ok so our supplier sends us a new price list in excel.  I am unclear of the steps:

    First for existing items: Do I export current inventory list from Sage to excel and then merge this file with the supplier price list for existing items?  Merge by item number? 

    Then I import final excel spreadsheet back into  Sage with updated information.

    Second:  For brand new inventory items ?? do I use the import / export section?  Is this the function you would use if you  were a first time user to Sage and you were transferring / migrating all your inventory items.

    Is there further information on the specifics of the Import Export feature, I am only finding very High level instructions.  Biggest questions is how to get new inventory items in Sage with item #, Description, account linked accounts.  

  • 0 in reply to Bobcaygeon

    I think you need to completely separate the concept of the list you get from your supplier from how things are set up in Sage 50.  Your list is a list of items and their new prices.  But as you have seen above, Sage 50 separates the concept of items from their prices.  eg. An item can exist, with or without a price and you cannot enter a price without an item.

    Is there further information on the specifics of the Import Export feature,

    Just what is known by the people that have done it.  I doubt there is a written record of all the options and concerns.

    1) Help, Import Records

    2) The Knowledgebase Articles on Importing Records (#10124, 10187, 15158)

    3) The Export of the Records you are interested in

    All three of the above will help you sort out what the format should be for importing new inventory items (or customers, or vendors, etc.).  The rest is to try it on a copy of your file to make sure it works as I mentioned before.

    One part I have found is that if you try to import more than 3000-5000 at a time, the latter ones in the list will slow down during the import process.  It will finish but I would not use a file that is more than 5000 at a time (years ago 30,000 was an overnight process).  Also, the import will ignore any item with an existing item code.  If it exists, it is ignored and an error message shows that it already exists.  The import continues with the next item without stopping.

    Price lists are a specific format as well but Alwyn has already given you some ideas on how to handle that so there is no need to reiterate.  I'll only suggest again that you review article 10187.