Daily Business Manager Sales Invoices Date

I use the Daily Business Manager to process sales invoices that are recurring from month to month. However, some of these invoices are not used in the summer months. When I go to process them again in the daily business manager after the summer, I right click on the calendar date that I would like. However, if the due date of these invoices is different, Sage posts the invoices on the due date. Is there a way to force Daily Business Manager to post these invoices on the date I want? 

  • Hi @AccountingTCS,

    Thanks for reaching out. Did you ever find an answer for this issue? If you are still looking for guidance, please let us know and we can try to point you in the right direction or suggest some resources or next steps. I did have a quick look and am just finding references to "Payments due" tab being the main option for batch payment processing (see KB 15369).

    Warm Regards,