Clearing Client Paid Transactions with Sage 50 Cloud, how?


HI all,

Our business has some long term clients, with a huge list of invoices and payments.  To prevent the client statement from getting too long, every year we clear the old data, to reduce the length of our receivables->client aged report.  We need to mail these statements to our clients periodically.  

We have been using Sage 50 Premium for many years.  The process always worked flawlessly before.  This year we switch over to Sage 50 Cloud.  The program itself is still being run on our PCs, but the data file is now online with Sage.

Just like before, we first linked & applied all old transactions, invoices and payments.  These transaction zero each other out.  Next as before we do maintenance->clear data->clear paid transactions->clear paid client transactions

Then we select one client as an example, and attempt to clear.  We did click "clear lookup data from all paid transactions".

To our dismay, the client statement stayed just as long with all the old data!  The data in them is cleared (when we double click them, the old data said "There is no data to Report".  But the client statement didn't reduce in size and still  include all the old invoices and payments listed.  As I mentioned we must be able to get rid of these old invoices and payments once a year, else the statement is too long.  I don't see any reason why this didn't work, except that we switched to Sag 50 Cloud this year.  Everything we did was the same as before, and it used to work.

We don't want to attempt to clear any other client's data, until we get this client's statement working.

Thanks for your help!